Hi! I’m Can. I’m a software engineer with 4+ years of experience in diverse roles within data teams. I specialize in building scalable solutions for complex data problems and helping companies develop resourceful applications. Let’s bring your vision to life together!


Freelancer (since 2023)


M.Sc. Information Systems (ongoing)


Berlin, Germany


Python, C/C++, SQL, Bash, HCL


Test-Driven Development, Domain-Driven Design, Agile Development, Continuous Integration, Object-Oriented Programming, Functional Programming


From data ingestion to ETL pipelines, I offer comprehensive data engineering services to help you efficiently manage and process your data, ensuring its quality and accessibility for actionable insights.

Technologies: Python, SQL, Kafka, PySpark, PyFlink, Airflow, dbt, Terraform, GCP (Cloud Storage, Compute Engine, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, Dataproc, Cloud Composer, BigQuery, Bigtable), AWS (S3, EC2, ECR, ECS, EKS, MSK, RDS, Elasticache, Kinesis, Redshift, Lambda, Cloudwatch), Docker, Kubernetes, Git, Bash, SQLAlchemy, Postgres, OracleDB, MongoDB, DuckDB, Redis, Prometheus, Grafana, SonarCloud

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Leverage the power of machine learning with my expertise in developing robust models and deploying them into production-ready systems, enabling you to extract valuable predictions and automate decision-making processes.

Technologies: Python, C/C++, Apache Spark, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, PyTorch, sci-kit learn, NLTK, Matplotlib, MLflow

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With my proficiency in Python, I develop reliable and efficient software solutions tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring clean code, high performance, and seamless integration with existing systems.

Technologies: Python 3.x, Celery, Functools, Asyncio, PySpark, PyArrow, Great Expectations, Pytest, Pylint, MyPy

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I specialize in building scalable and secure backend systems that provide the foundation for your applications, enabling seamless communication, data storage, and functionality to meet your business needs.

Technologies: Python 3.x, Flask, OAuth2, Docker, Nginx, Celery, Kubernetes, Git, Bash, Functools, Asyncio, PySpark, PyArrow, Great Expectations, Pytest, Pylint, MyPy, SQLAlchemy, Postgres, Redis, OracleDB, MongoDB

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As a DevOps engineer, I help streamline your software development processes by automating infrastructure, CI/CD pipelines, and monitoring, ensuring faster delivery, higher quality, and increased reliability.

Technologies: Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, Git, Bash, Terraform, HashiCorp Vault, VMWare, GCP (Cloud Virtual Network, IAM, Cloud DNS, Cloud Storage, Compute Engine, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, Dataproc, Cloud Composer, BigQuery, Bigtable), AWS (VPC, IAM, Cloudwatch, Route 53, S3, EC2, ECR, ECS, EKS, MSK, RDS, Elasticache, Kinesis, Redshift, Lambda), Prometheus, Grafana, SonarCloud, CircleCI, Github Actions, Gitlab CI, Postgres, OracleDB, MongoDB, DuckDB, Redis

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Unlock the full potential of your data with my data analytics services, providing valuable insights, visualization, and reporting, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and drive business growth.

Technologies: Python, SQL, SQLAlchemy, Spark, dbt, Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, Pandas, NumPy, Great Expectations, Matplotlib, Plotly, Dash, Amazon Quicksight, Google Analytics

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Address Me

Can Bekleyici, Borstellstr. 37, 12167 Berlin, DE